We were back to just the two of us on the boat which felt strange for a while but also felt very familiar.  It is fantastic to have friends and family spend time with us, but we started this adventure with just each other so I guess it’s fitting that the end of the first season ends as it began.
The weather has definitely begun to change, and it almost feels like it’s time to go home.  Tony doesn’t feel the same, he would be happy to continue be it in more warmer climes!  We continued towards Korcula and anchored just around the corner from the main town.  We only picked Grace up from the ferry the previous time here, so it was a very interesting town to walk around with the old medieval town on a peninsula. 
We had our first run in with the law when we returned to our dinghy which we had left in a smaller marina in the bay we were anchored. When we returned out dinghy was where we had left it, next to a fishing boat but on the other side and literally leaning over our dinghy was a Police boat. All looked well as we prepared to motor away which was when a policeman on the boat called us over and then proceeded to ask for our tourist documents. We didn’t have them with us so had to return to the boat to get them and return to pay the fine he had told us about. We were slightly sceptical about the fine, thinking it was a bit of graft and corruption in play but on our return and inspection of the correct documents he asked for payment for the fine by card and then issued us with a receipt. We duly paid and will be more mindful where we leave the dinghy next time.
The next stop was a bay on the island of Mljet called Okuklje which is in a very sheltered bay.  The two restaurants in the village offer mooring at the pier in exchange for eating at their restaurant.  We had no trouble mooring stern to against the stone wall and were soon settled and went for a walk around the village which hugged the small bay, and the housing didn’t really go beyond the waters edge.  Later in the afternoon the regular charter yacht flotilla began arriving and the place livened up somewhat. 
The next day we decided to stay another night so settled in for a relaxing day. We did go for a near on vertical walk up to a church which offered some amazing views of the bay. On the way back we meet a German couple who invited us aboard their “new to them” 58ft mono which was around 30 years old. We swapped a few stories with Ronnie as his English was very good but his wife, not so much.
The afternoon weather was brilliant, and the SUP got an outing in the calm sheltered waters and after that I had my last swim for the trip as I have not been back in the water since.
Later in the afternoon, the next day’s boats began to arrive.  The new boat that pulled alongside us had seven men on it.  It soon became apparent that they were Irish and full of fun and quick wit.  After they settled the boat, we got talking and discovered that these same 7 men had first met at boarding school and had remained close all these years and considering they said they were around 65 I’ll let you do the maths for how long they have known each other.  Not an unusual story for boarding school friends hey girls but we have got lots of years yet to match their record of friendship.  (Looking forward to seeing you all when we return xxx)
The next morning, we had a brisk wind to send us on our way to Dubrovnik where we had decided to moor up a river on the northern side for the night, hoping for some protection from the expected windy night.  Without going into too many details it was one of the worst nights with strong gusts up to 30knts and no sleep.  The next morning, we motored south past the city and the Old City towards Cavtat where we had spent a week while waiting for our visitors a month or so ago.  When we had stayed at Cavtat the bay was busy with the comings and goings of ferry’s and lots of boats anchored.  The day we arrived it was empty and with another night of strong wind in front of us we certainly had the pick of spots of where to anchor.  The wind was as strong that night and we probably didn’t get any more sleep, but the anchor hadn’t dragged, and the sun was shining so we said goodbye to Croatia and pointed the boat towards Montenegro.
We had two nights in the big bay near Tivat and it was relaxing but, it would be fair to say my mind was already on home and when the weather turned wet and rainy on top of our windy nights previously, it felt like our season had definitely come to an end.  I think the weather was matching my mood at the time and if the weather was still warm, sunny, and welcoming I would feel like staying longer.  Boats are fair-weather friends and although Phantomas is big, when it’s raining it definitely reduces your outside space.
Thank you all for following our adventures and reading along with us.  I am very proud of what Tony, and I have achieved this year.  I am getting used to Tony’s big dreams that I initially think “yeah that would be great, but can it really happen?”  being realised! For example, some of these previous dreams included our current home, the red boat and now the cruising lifestyle.  Some would say I’m a bit slow on the uptake on believing in him, but I am forever thankful for his vision and for taking me along with him for the ride.  I would have to say that this adventure far outweighs all the others and has made us leave our comfort zones, but we have done it and will continue to do it for however many years we can.  We hope some of you get the chance to join us on the adventure, as sharing it with friends and family is what makes it truly memorable.
Much love to you all and see you soon in the Land of Vegemite.
Michele & Tony xxxxxxx