kotor image
14 August 2022

Travelling further into the inland waterway was like heading into a Norwegian Fiord with the huge hills and dark moody water.  Photos just don’t capture the scale of the hills/mountains that surround the water with small villages dotted around the shores.  It looks like the only way to reach these villages is by water but then you notice the roadways stretching across the hillside clinging to the edge with tunnels passing through the harder terrain.
Kotor is a hugely popular tourist destination with its walled medieval city.  There are walls and steps leading up behind the city, heading to ruins from an earlier time.  Tourists pay for the privilege of their elevated heart rates to climb these paths but are royally rewarded with the views of the walled city and the surrounding hills and water.
There were two giant cruise ships docked at Kotor when we arrived at midday and by early evening they were heading off to the next destination.  In the morning at we headed back to the main basin we passed two new ships heading to Kotor, there was no option of who gave way to whom in the narrow water passage.  Size definitely trumped all in this case.
We headed to the check out point at Portonovi to end our stay in Montenegro before heading the short distance to Croatia