22 August 2022
After our full-on day yesterday, we were setting sail for our first Croatian Island of Mljet. We cruised past The Old City of Dubrovnik and got our final glimpses and photos of the exciting place.
The wind was in our favour today and we were able to raise the main and head sail and give our guests the full sailing experience. It is always such a thrill to be able to kill the engine and just hear the boat moving through the water being pushed by the wind. I liken it to never tiring of the thrill of seeing dolphins, turning off the engine is the best.
There was just enough, but not too much wind to make the sail between the mainland and Mljet exciting and to give the crew a chance to help with the sail changes. The anchorage we were heading for was outside the small village of Polace and we were at the end of a sheltered bay in calm deep water surrounded by green hills. We were not alone as there were many other boats anchored with us and several boats take the opportunity to anchor on the town docks. A lot of these docks are owned by the restaurants on the waterfront and if you eat at the restaurant, that covers the fee for the night.
Polace is a one street town with accommodation, restaurants and one shop as well as bike hire shops. Ben had noticed the bike hire places and suggested we hire them and go for a ride. We were slightly dubious after looking at the steep roads around the town but as soon as he said, “electric bikes”, we were convinced.
There was an inland lake around 5km ride from Polace so we saddled up, hit the TURBO button and headed out of town up the first big hill. WOW, (we need to trade our foldable bikes we bought in France to foldable “electric” bikes) without much effort we were all surprised at how easy it was to get to the top of the hill. We carried on towards the lake on the narrow winding road and soon found the lake where we had to pay an entry fee to peddle the 13km around the lake. The lake was beautiful, and the water was so clear. We stopped at a small settlement for a refreshing drink before setting off again and as luck would have it there was another place for a stop before we started back towards Polace.