12 August 2022
On the way up the coast, we hadn’t made any firm plans for where we would anchor/stay in the huge inland water way where Tivat is situated. There are several choices for marinas but the marina of choice, for many and for friends Mark & Tanya is Porto Montenegro. After spending a month travelling from France to Montenegro, we had not spent any time in a marina so apart from our two nights in Bar, this would be our second marina visit. We knew it was a bit pricey, we knew it was well renowned, but we thought “why not?” (We actually thought “F&%K it” but thought we’d better not write that!)
On arrival at the marina, we were shown where our berth was and then experience No.2 of docking was completed, we relaxed and took in the surroundings and there was a lot to take in. Number one on Tony’s list was a huge sailing vessel called the Black Pearl, but I will leave him to wax lyrical about that.
We were met by John, an Australian who worked at the marina. He had emailed us after our booking enquiry offering us the available deals for wintering the boat in the marina. It was a great start to the experience of the marina being met with an Aussie accent. We then had another two visits, a guy asking if we needed the boat cleaned and another offering his canvas/upholstery services.
The marina complex is huge and takes in not only the over water berths but a whole stretch along the waterfront with hotels, restaurants, apartments and shops, supermarket, hairdresser and a pool and yacht club. They even had a Polo event on the lawn the weekend we arrived. It is a smaller, but more likeable version of Monaco.
Sadly, we couldn’t catch up in person with Mark and Tanya who have made Porto Montenegro their home for the time being, but we did facetime them in Australia and get all the “knowledge” about the place. We also can’t thank them enough for their generosity with allowing us to borrow their van to do a shopping trip and making use of their SUP while we are sailing in Croatia.
Sadly, before we knew it our two nights were over, and we left our slice of luxury and made our way further into the inland bay to Kotor.