9th September 2022
After the kids left Split, we left Split as well and headed to the island of Solta. We had a night to wait for the last of the visitors to fly in the next afternoon. Solta is also the home of a friend of Barb and Darrell’s from Australia, so it suited our timeline to stay the night and take some photos to share when they got home. We ended up in one of the bays where the village is called Necujam. Every place we anchor has a charm of its own and Necujam was no different. It’s hard to put a finger on exactly what makes a place special, but we enjoyed our time there and especially the calm water overnight. It was so quiet that during one of our epic Crazy Rummy games we ended up playing a cooee echo game with some random person onshore. It was hilarious!
The next morning, we set off for Trogir which is on the other side of the bay from Split and where Split airport is located. Veronica was flying in at 3.15pm after spending a week on a huge cruise ship touring around western Europe. There is no end to the staff available to cater for your every whim on the luxury liners so the change to Phantomas would feel no different!! As long as your whims didn’t involve daily bed making, massages and cocktails at any hour to name but a few!
As we were heading towards the anchorage, we were again surprised by the huge number of charter boats heading out from the marina. It was a Saturday and that is the change over day for these charters and if I was to guess I would say we could see 20 boats at any one time heading out and they just kept on coming. We had also noticed the sheer volume of boats around the Split area was more than we had noticed anywhere else in Europe.
After a night in a nearby anchorage we headed north to Rogoznica which would be as far north as we would venture this trip. The town was surrounded by a gorgeous bay on both sides and was very pretty. We ventured into town in the afternoon to wander around and in usual fashion we had drinks and then decided to stay for dinner. Another dark dinghy ride home and to try and find Phantomas in the dark. We have a bad habit of heading out in the afternoon then staying out longer than we intend so we always forget to put the mast light on or as it became known “to light the candle”. But never fear, we haven’t lost the Phantom yet!!
Our longest visitors yet, Barb and Darrell were leaving us from Rogoznica. They were heading back to Trogir to catch a flight to Vienna to spend three nights before heading home to Australia. We have known these two for as many years as we can remember and have holidayed together for just as long so seeing them leave was almost as bad as waving Ben and Sarah goodbye. There are too many funny stories to tell but safe to say we all had plenty of laughs, with each other and about each other.