30 August 2022
After leaving Hvar we motored towards the northern side of Hvar Island toward the town of Stari Grad. This historic old town was founded as early as 384 BC and is one of the oldest cities in Croatia. We anchored on the outskirts of town not far from a resort which had seen better days. The water was so clear that it was an easy choice to make to jump in. Later that afternoon we took the tender into the town centre and began walking around the old, cobbled streets and narrow alleyways. We came across old churches and sometimes we were able to peak into an open door and get a glimpse of life inside. As the afternoon wore on the charter boats began arriving in the town to anchor stern to along the town quay. We asked a Marinera the cost and process of staying on the dock and seeing as we didn’t have three spare days to wait to get a place, we decided we were happy with our anchorage. We read a statistic the 43% of the worlds charter market is here in Croatia and it’s easy to believe considering the number of yachts we see daily. We enjoyed a delicious meal at a gorgeous restaurant before putting back down the channel to our boat.
The next morning, we awoke to light rain which looked like it would settle in for the day. We put out the shades which gave us a little more protection, but things were a little on the damp side. The boat is big enough for everyone to find a spot to do their own thing and we settled in for a quiet day with more relaxing. Our one activity for the day was taking the bedding to be washed at the local laundry and fortunately they dried it as well. The rain had eased slightly so we took the opportunity to wander without the boys and to nosy into any shop we wanted to.
The next morning the sun had returned, and everything was looking fresh and clean after the wash from the day before. We pulled up the anchor and continued along the northern coastline to Vrboska. This town also had a narrow entrance to the harbour, so we anchored at an amazing beach with clear blue water. One thing we had noticed as we motored towards Vrboska was a camping ground filled with camper vans and on further research discovered it was a nudist camping ground. On closer inspection, thanks to the binoculars, the people sunbathing on the rocks were 80% nude and, in the bay that we anchored the trend continued. The boys did discuss the idea of “hanging out” with the people at the beach but decided to keep their neon shorts on and leave the world to wonder what they may have missed out on.