11th July 2022
The alarm went off at 11.30pm, not that either of us had slept much, to head off to Corsica. So with the lights of Menton in the background and the noises of music coming from the bars still open we motored off towards Corsica. The conditions were really calm and the moon was really full which made the thought of heading off into the night in a boat for a 90 NM trip easier to contemplate.
The conditions just kept getting calmer and if we were in Perth we would have been loving it.
We did get visited a number of times by groups of dolphins. It's like they saw the boat and went "Yippee" as they jumped in the air and swam toward us. Watching them swim just never gets old and when it does it will be time to get off the water.
We got to Corsica and found a bay on the very north east tip of the island. We anchored and Tony got in to check the anchor and came out with a jellyfish sting. He said when he got stung he heard a zap sound. The sting looked fairly savage but didn't hurt too much but changed my mind about getting in the water!!
The next morning we took the dinghy into the beach and followed the road up over the hill and into the next bay to a small village called Macinaggio. We looked around and had some lunch before taking the shorter route back to the boat.

Where we were anchored.

Old ruins on the walk into town.

The village of Macinaggio.

The shop where we bought a basket for the boat.

The town marina.