Heyere to Cap Cartaya (close to St Tropez)
This was the anchorage we woke up to this morning, very calm and no wind. It gave Tony the chance before we got going to finish putting the reefing lines on the main sail. This required raising the main sail, which is massive, and tying the lines at the end of the boom. Tony and knots do not get on, as some of you may already know, so balancing precariously on the small solid support rails on the rag top cover and tying knots was not the way to start the morning and remain calm and happy. Enough said, it got done!

When we headed out we put up the headsail and had to tack across the bay as the wind was on the nose. The wind was around 15 knots so we got brave and put up the mainsail as well and we were going a cracking pace around 6.5-7 knots. The wind kept increasing and before we decided we'd better reef we got 8.1 knots.