14 Sep

We have been having a very quiet cruising season this year in regard to people coming aboard to stay.  My sister Sharon and husband Paddy spent a week with us in July and that’s been it.  So, to have another person come to stay for 4 days was extremely exciting! 

That person is someone I called upon in February this year as we started the process of getting a Visa for Spain to gain temporary citizenship. Part of the application process is the need for a Spanish address and as luck would have it, I knew of someone who has been living in Barcelona for the past 15 years.  Her name is Sharlene Halbert, and she is an older sister to my oldest school friend Tanya Halbert.  Many of you that are reading this blog would remember Sharlene from her days as Head Girl at MLC when we were in year 10 and to be fair, I don’t think I have seen her a great deal since those days.  

This just makes what she has done for Tony and I more exceptional than usual.  Fair to say, if Tony and I had had to negotiate the path to arranging and booking two appointments in Barcelona to finalise our Visa on our own we would most likely be still rocking in the corner of the room or I would have been on a flight home to Perth………alone.  You see the Spanish bureaucracy is renowned for its fickleness and Sharlene handled all the bumps in the road with her near perfect Spanish and the grace of a saint. 

Our Sushi Feast. 

So, on Thursday morning, we dinghied into the small marina we had found and picked up Sharlene for four days.  Sharlene works for herself and hasn’t had a real holiday since forever, so she was very excited to join us.  We only had four days, so we explored another anchorage within the large bay of Palma.  The conditions weren’t perfect, but it was great to have some company. 

The scruffy Captain & First Mate

The next morning, we headed around the end of the bay along the southern coast to a bay called Santa Polca.  This was another local holiday spot and as we went ashore to stock up on some supplies, it became apparent that the Germans and English also holiday here.  Lots of English style pubs selling Guiness and lots of English style tourists filling the bar stools.  We were treated to some live music from a stage set up of the beach that night.  The background music was great as we played cards, and we sang along.  The next band was a bit more modern and played until the wee, wee hours.  Do you know how much sound carries across the water? 

After a stunning start to the morning with a swim (I’m trying to improve my swimming fitness, slowly slowly) and a paddle board, we upped anchor and travelled further west to a great little bay called Port Andraxt. 

There was no mooring in the tight little bay, but you can pay for a mooring ball which is what we did.  The town was on both sides of the bay and the hills were dotted with homes that would have amazing views.  We took the dinghy into town and had a wander around and I may have partaken in some retail therapy.  Just to support the local economy, you understand!  The waterfront was full of restaurants, and we had a plan to choose one for dinner that night.  No. 11 was the final choice, and we were not disappointed with a modern take on tapas which saw us having hoisin duck rolls, miso broccolini, spicy squid and tuna tataki on crispy tortillas.  It was divine.  The night life along the waterfront was busy and we found a table outside to have another drink and watch the passing parade go by.    

We were woken up the next morning by the rain.  We hadn’t expected rain but nevertheless it was raining.  We slowly made our way back to Palma as the clouds eventually cleared.  Sharlene was due to fly back to Barcelona 8am Monday morning so it would be an early drop off in the morning. 

We both had a great time with someone different to talk to.  Tony had someone to “spar” with about his views on politics, world events and whatever else he could think of.  Sharlene is not to be put off by a differing opinion and certainly holds her ground about her beliefs and challenges Tony to look at things through different eyes.  She wasn’t always successful at changing his thought processes, but it kept them both entertained. 

Me, on the other hand, I got to know Sharlene, not as the Head girl of my school or my friend’s older sister but as my friend.  We had the opportunity to listen and share our lives and experiences and that can only be a positive thing.   

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