After the slightly lacklustre wind predictions for the weekend, we had one final dinner in Pollenca before we headed towards the east coast of Mallorca the next morning. As is the way, we had gone from too much wind to not enough to sail wind so we motored down to our next overnight stay.
The next day we continued down the coast, passing many spots we will hopefully get to revisit before we go. We had our sights set on a beach on the southern side of Mallorca with sand anchoring for days. The water was like a swimming pool when we jumped in to check the anchor and the colour of the water, according to one comment on my Facebook post, was delicious! (thank you Jacqui K)
The town on one side of the huge bay was, Colonia de Sant Jordi and we went ashore to go shopping. It looks like a holiday destination for Spaniards and Europeans and wasn’t the prettiest of towns, it’s a bit hard when there is a working Salt Lake on the edge of the hotel belt to get any awards for natural beauty.
We had a biggish powerboat parked next to us and on our second day at this place I remarked to Tony, “I haven’t seen anyone move on that boat all day”. So, we continued to check for movement during the day. It just seemed weird that we hadn’t seen any signs of life. The side door was open, and their dinghy was still hanging off the back of the boat but no sightings of humans. Just as I was imagining another scenario, one that featured a murder/suicide that I certainly didn’t want to confirm, a head popped up from the very top of the flybridge lounge area. It was a guy, probably early 20’s and the mystery had been solved. Nothing like some spare time on your hands to let your imagination run away from you.
We were set to leave the next morning to head to Palma, so we headed into town for a sunset walk around and a few drinks before a pizza dinner.