21 Jul

We set off early from Brindisi, heading towards Otranto. Otranto was our last port in Italy last year as we kicked off for Montenegro. We had really enjoyed our three days there last year so after the warm welcome we didn't receive from Brindisi we were keen to head off. 

The sailing was reasonably good for most of the way despite watching out for the fishermen who were setting nets in the most inconvenient places, well for us they were! I got some washing done on the passage and Tony also got some jobs done while I sat at the helm most of the day keeping an eye out for those fishing nets. On our approach to Otranto a large speedboat was leaving the harbour and before we realized who they were the boat had made a turn towards us. It was a Guardia di Finanza vessel which is a part of the Italian government that is essentially responsible for dealing with financial crime and smuggling

They pulled up next to us and requested to see all our documents. They held out a fishing net from their boat for us to put our documents in the net for them to view. A few moments later they reappeared back on deck and handed our documents back to us and sent us on our way. We were wondering if FF had anything to do with this check? We do know that the threat of people smuggling and illegal immigrants is very real in Europe and most countries are pretty vigilant with their checks.

 We pulled in to the harbour at Otranto and anchored up in the clear water. We took the dinghy into the town for a walk around the old town and reacquainted ourselves with Otranto. It was still early in the season so the place wasn't as busy as the last time we were here. The next morning we went for a walk along the coast to stretch out our legs. We came across other travelers doing the same thing and came across some more Australians. Then later in the afternoon some people swimming by our boat called out and asked "Are you from Australia?" they were on a cycling trip around southern Italy. 

The weather has just started to warm up so Tony has been doing a bit of swimming while I'm not quite so keen yet. Maybe I'm saving myself for the warmer waters of Greece and for the extra kgs to magically drop off me. Think I'll have to give up on that notion and just jump in! 

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