We boarded the plane to France via Singapore and Frankfurt but will spare you the details of flying long haul whilst still recovering from Covid.
Arriving in Marseille on May 16th we picked up our hire car and began the drive, on the right side of the road to Port Saint Louis du Rhone. Impressive sounding name you may think, one that could conjur up visions of traditional, quaint european villages maybe. Well picture flat marshy land with a view across the water to the industry just like Kwinanna and you would be more on the money.
We had booked an Airbnb for a week and so we checked in and then went for a walk around the town. My description of Port Saint Louis may have been a bit harsh as there is a marina in the middle of town and it is a pretty walk but the town looks quite old and rundown.
We woke the next morning and the plan was to head down to the marina to meet Phantomas and Claude & Karin Hilbert.
For those that were asking me before we left "you must be getting excited" well when we got out from the car and saw Phantomas, I got butterflies in my stomach and thought "Wow, this is it"
We spent the day with Claude & Karin showing us around their boat. They have owned Phantomas from the beginning so they have a lot of years invested in her. They were so generous with their time and it was just a pleasure meeting them. We ended the day having dinner together and getting some advice about anchoring destinations along the French and Italian coastline.
The next morning we were back at the marina for the on water survey. The boat was taken out into the bay while the surveyor checked the engines, sails and who knows what else but it was pretty exciting.
It wasn't long before we were heading back to the marina with Tony at the helm. It became quite obvious the attachment Karin had to Phantomas as some tears were shed.
In no time we were tied up and the tractor and trailer had lifted Phantomas out of the water and we followed her back to her place in the yard. The survey had found nothing that would cause us any problems.
Now all that was left to do was to sign the papers and just like that.......we owned a catamaran!!